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Barrel Racing

Barrel Racing

  • 分类:赛车竞速
  • 大小:
  • 语言:简体中文
  • 版本:
  • 时间:2023-03-25
  • 星级:
  • 厂商:New and Addictive Top Free Adventure Games
  • 平台:Android
  • 标签: Barrel Racing下载 Barrel Racing安卓版 

Barrel racing is a rodeo event in which a rider attempts to complete a cloverleaf pattern around a preset three barrels placed in a triangle in the arena in the fastest time. With a palpate of real racing, barrel racing is game that checks and likewise improvise your balancing skills. Music adds to the essence of the splendid arena. The graphics avails the reali of the environment. Simple yet addictive game beguiles the player to complete the game in minimum possible time. Simple instructions to be followed are;- Align the phone parallel to the ground and tilt it to move the horse in the direction of the tilt.- Circle all three barrels individually without touching any of them in minimum possible time.- Touching the fence add 5 seconds to the time.- Return to the gate as soon as you circle all three barrels.- Barrels turning white would indicate that you have circled that particular barrel.- Disqualified as soon as you touch a barrel. - Goodluck routing your way out in minimum time!


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